Seeking Certified Bloggers

We would like to invite contributors to scientific blogs to become certified bloggers for The EMBO Meeting in Vienna.


  • Registered to attend The EMBO Meeting 2011
  • Contribute to an existing blog*
  • Write during and after the conference about encounters, insights, ideas and experiences gained from attending the conference
  • Agree to have your blog posts about The EMBO Meeting re-published on the conference website and/ or third party conference partner websites
  • Adhere to The EMBO Meeting blogging policy (see below)

* If you are not currently writing for a blog, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , who hosts the Conference Cast blog on Scitable, or contact, the community site for developmental biologists, The Node. Both are interested to host articles about The EMBO Meeting from participants.


  • Stand out from the crowd - be one of no more than ten certified bloggers at The EMBO Meeting
  • Meet the V.I.P.s – have direct access to the speakers (EMBO Public Relations Team will help set up interviews, etc.)
  • ...and the best until last – receive an iTunes or Amazon voucher worth €50 as a thank you

How to apply:

New extended deadline!

Blogging @ The EMBO Meeting 2010

Blogging policy

We ask that all bloggers and tweeters attending The EMBO Meeting gain approval from a speaker or poster presenter prior to quoting or publishing that individual’s scientific results. We further remind participants that unpublished data presented at The EMBO Meeting should be regarded as confidential. This policy applies whether you are a professional writer/journalist or a non-journalist blogging about the  conference or otherwise sharing information among a group of individuals.

If you are tweeting about The EMBO Meeting, please use the official hashtag : #EMBOmtg