Special Interest Symposia Print E-mail

Saturday 10 September, 10:00 to 17:15

Scientists are invited to reserve meeting rooms for presentations and discussions on special-interest topics. Prior approval of topics is required from The EMBO Meeting conference chairs. Meeting rooms will be available between 10:00 and 17:15 with capacity ranging from 230 to 500 participants theatre-style with basic AV equipment; no room rental fees; bookings confirmed on first-come, first-served basis.

A brief description of each symposium will be published on The EMBO Meeting website and in the final printed programme.

No abstracts will be required or published. No funding for registration, catering, travel or accommodation will be provided. Participants are required to register for The EMBO Meeting to access these Special Interest Symposia.

Confirmed special interest symposia (click on title for full details & how to register):

1) Special Interest Group meeting on Peroxisome biology: 10.00 - 17:15

Further details to follow