Career Day Activities Print E-mail

Saturday, 10 September

Session No.
Personal & Scientific Presentation Skills
Jon Copley, UK & Alfons Duczek, DE
Job applications – Cover letters, CV writing & interview skills
Barbara Janssens, DE
Expanding Career Options session lunch €20
Make Science Make Sense
Sam Caddick, EMBO
Personal & Scientific Presentation Skills
Jon Copley, UK & Alfons Duczek, DE
Job applications – Cover letters, CV writing & interview skills
Barbara Janssens, DE
The Peer-Review Process
Bernd Pulverer, Thomas Lemberger, Anneke Funk & Nonia Pariente
  • Maximum 40 participants for each course (A2, B1 & B2, C1 & C2 and D2)
  • Maximum 90 participants for E1 (Expanding Career Options lunch)
  • Registration fee for each session: €20 - details on registration system & PDF form
  • Any fees paid are non-refundable

Session Descriptions

A2) Make Science Make Sense: how to explain your research to your granny: scientists' parents, grandparents and friends often look puzzled when they are confronted with science and they don't seem to understand the importance of the individual scientist's research. Participants of this session will learn how to communicate their own research effectively to non-scientists. Participants will learn about:

  • What level of information to give
  • How to structure the information to be conveyed
  • What kind of language should be used or avoided
  • How to spark enthusiasm and maintain interest

Trainer: Samuel Caddick, Editor, EMBO reports, Heidelberg, DE - Location: Yellow Level, Room OE F244

B1 & B2) Personal & scientific presentation skills workshop: how to capture your audience: the goal of this workshop is to develop an ability to create and deliver successful presentations with confidence. In the first part, participants will learn about the influence of non-verbal communication on both self perception and confidence as well as how they are perceived by others. Participants will have the opportunity to practice body language that will enhance their self-confidence and authenticity and to learn about how to design clear and effective scientific presentations.

Trainers: Jon Copley, Lecturer in Marine Ecology at the University of Southampton, free-lance science writer & trainer with SciConnect, UK & Alfons Duczek, free-lance theater pedagogist, Heidelberg, DE. Location: Yellow Level, Room OE E 559

C1 & C2) Job applications – Cover letters, CV writing & interview skills: as you look for the “perfect” job, be that within or outside academia, you must stand out in the crowd of other well-qualified job-seekers to attract the attention of potential employers. In this 3-hour-long session, you will learn about the do’s & dont’s of job applications: the importance of tailoring your application to different types of jobs; how to write an attractive CV and engaging cover letter; and how to prepare for and present yourself convincingly in an interview.

Trainer: Barbara Janssens, Heidelberg, DE - Location: Yellow Level, Room OE E 557

D2) The Peer-Review Process: EMBO Editors will discuss how the peer-review process works, and provide practical advice on how to review papers. Using, for example, Review Process Files, which are published alongside EMBO Journal manuscripts, the course will look at how the review process normally works, what makes a good report, and how editors deal with conflicting reports and other difficult situations. Material for the course will be made available prior to the start.

Trainers: EMBO editors, Heidelberg, DE - Location: Yellow Level, Room OE E 558

E1) Expanding Career Options session lunch: a PhD in the life sciences opens the door to a number of career options, including industry, government and private organisations, science communication and science policy. Scientists who have chosen career paths outside academic research will lead this interactive lunchtime session and talk about their jobs, allowing participants to gain an insight into some of the career options available.  The session is organised as round-table discussion over lunch with nine individual speakers, each highlighting a different career path. Location: Yellow Level, Foyer E

The mentors are listed below:

Science policy:

Michele Garfinkel, EMBO Science Policy Programme, Heidelberg, DE

Science funding:

Corinna Wilken, Austrian Research Promotion Agency, Vienna, AT

Science communication:

Carmen Schmid, dialog<>gentechnik, Vienna, AT

Science education:

Maria Halaschek-Wiener, Vienna Open Lab, dialog<>gentechnik, Vienna, AT

Non-governmental organizations:

Anne-Laure Page, Epicentre, Paris, FR

Industry 1:

Markus Mandler, Affiris AG, Vienna, AT

Industry 2:

Joachim Seipelt, AVIR Green Hills Biotechnology AG, Vienna, AT

Intellectual property:

Daniel Alge, Sonn & Partner Patent Attorneys, Vienna, AT


Bettina Buschhorn, Boston Consulting Group, Vienna, AT